Friday, December 05, 2008

Sky Watch Friday > Northern Bandung

This is Northern Bandung scene taken from the Gunung Putri (Princess Hill). The sky was cloudy. It doesn't surprise us though. Just like other weekends, Patricia, Aita and I went to Cikole to walk passing the pines forest. Last weekend we arrived at the west part of Gunung Putri, after a great talk with two young villagers telling us that there is an "ancient" Netherland's fortress in this area. We tried to find it, but I have to admit it, we were lost somewhere, and we couldn't find this building. I promised to myself, next weekend I'll come back and try to find it.

Don't forget to visit other fabulous sky pictures at Sky Watch Friday.

1 comment:

Jane Hards Photography said...

It's such a wonderful view from up there you have.