Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Ketupat is a rice dumpling from Indonesia which is traditionally served during Idul Fitri. Ketupat is usually eaten with satay, and chicken curry. It is wrapped in a woven palm leaf pouch which is then boiled. As the rice cooks, the grains expand to fill the pouch and the rice becomes compressed. This method of cooking gives the ketupat its characteristic form and texture of a rice dumpling.

Tomorrow is Idul Fitri. Nowadays, you don't have to prepapre the palm leaves pouch. This man is preparing the pouches and selling them for tomorrow's ketupat.

Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri, Mohon Maaf Lahir Batin.

Monday, September 29, 2008

New Restaurant at Pines Forest

As usual, we visited and walked at pines forest yesterday. We realized that a new restaurant that they built not far from the main gate of Cikole Camping Ground was extended and now we even could see the backyard of that restaurant. Click the picture to enlarge it.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Stoned Map of ITB

Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) is the oldest intitute of technology in Indonesia. ITB was founded in 1920 as faculty of engineering of University of Indonesia located in Bandung. This stoned map of ITB was created in 1998 on the Department of Architecture's wall.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Rest Spot

Patricia spotted this place when we visited Curug Cimahi sometime ago. It really seemed nice to take some rest there in a hot day like that time!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Sky Watch Friday: Monumen Perjuangan

To be honest, I was panic when I realized that it was thursday night. I don't have any sky picture to be presented in SWF. Lucky me, I found this picture that I took a month ago, at Monumen Perjuangan, Struggle Monument dedicated for people of West Java. This monument is located in Dipatu Ukur street, closed to University of Pajajaran. It has a sharpen bamboo shape, a traditional weapon used by people during independence war in 1945-1950.

Happy SWF! Visit other fabulous sky pictures at Skywatch Page.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

J.CO Donuts

Donut is not my favorite. But yesterday Patricia persuaded me with her “it’ll melt in your mouth!” slogan to try donuts at J.CO. It was a hot day, and I thought it was a good time to try. We went to Ciwalk and visited J.CO located at the first floor. We ordered two coffee lattes and two donuts. And I understood what “melting in your mouth” means mentioned by Patricia. But still, do I like it? The donut was too easy, if you know what I mean. I prefer the donut prepared by chef at PT Badak LNG – Bontang, East Kalimantan.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Cocoa Trees

Parijs van Java is practically one of our favorite place to visit. Patricia and I love to walk in this cozy place. Lights and musics are the main attraction in the weekend. At under ground floor, there is a place where you can find great varieties of chocolates imported from some wellknown chocolate producer countries, such as Belgium and Switzerland.
I and Patricia lived in Belgium before, in small and beautiful city called Gent. In this country we learnt how to appreciate a good chocolate. One of our favorite is Neuhaus. We visited this Cocoa Trees with a great hope we can find Neuhaus in that chocolate store, :). But that time, we knew that we would be disappointed. And we were!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Hot day at Asia-Africa Street

This main street of Bandung, Asia-Africa Street, is named after the first large scale Asian-African Conference held in Bandung in April 1955. It was a 35 deg C hot day! And I just noticed that I captured that topless man walking on the left side of picture! It was really hot day, then!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Traditional Knives

Different kinds of traditional Indonesian knives, handmade in Cibaduyut, a small district at Southern of Bandung. You could have it for US$ 2 - 10 depends on the size, and quality of material and work.

Ganesha, Lord of Knowledge

This is Ganesha, logo of ITB (Institut Teknologi Bandung, Institute of Technology Bandung). In Hindu deities, He is the Lord of knowledge, Lord of success. Ganesha's head symbolizes the ultimate supreme reality of human existence, and his human body signifies the earthly existence of human beings. The elephant head denotes wisdom. In his upper right hand Ganesha holds a mala (rosary) suggests that the pursuit of knowledge should be continuous. His upper left hand holds axe which helps him propel mankind forward on the eternal path and remove obstacles from the way.
The broken tusk that Ganesha holds like a pen in his lower right hand is a symbol of sacrifice, which he broke for writing the knowledge.

The statue of this stoned Ganesha is located in the front of ITB main gate.

Sunday, September 21, 2008


This character of wooden doll puppet (Wayang Golek) is Hanuman. Hanuman is one of most important figure in Hindu epic, The Ramayana. He is a white monkey warrior who helped Lord Rama leading the monkey army to fight the demon king Rahvana.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Wayang Golek

Wayang golek are wooden doll puppets that are used for story telling originated from West Java. In the 18th century this traditional story telling moved into the mountains of West Java where it eventually was used to tell stories of the Ramayana and the Mahabarata, the famous Hindu epic. In Sunda, this performance is now called wayang golek purwa, which can be found in Bandung and Bogor. The puppeteer in wayang performance is called dalang. Now, the most famous wayang golek puppeteer family is the Sunarya family.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Star of Rumah Mode

Last weekend, I brought my niece to Rumah Mode (house of fashion). When she was busy with all fashion stuffs, I walked around the complex. I saw this beautiful wooden ornament. I couldn't help myself to take picture of this star.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

The Easy Way from Bandung to Jakarta

The easiest way to go to Jakarta from Bandung is via Cipularang highway. If you drive with moderate speed, it takes more or less 2.5 hours. This highway is on its peak during the weekend, since people from Jakarta want to spend their off day in Bandung. And, you can imagine how Bandung is during this time!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Tea in the Bottle

Teh Botol Sosro is a big brand of Indonesian jasmine tea packed in bottle. Sosro was taken from Sosrodjojo, the name of company owner. The business was started in 1940, but the first bottled tea was introduced in 1970. Now, Teh Botol Sosro plays a major role in the bottled baverages business in Indonesia, after Coca Cola. This Teh Botol Sosro street seller is one of their strong front business chains.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Lembang is Bandung's satellite city, 15 km to the north of Bandung. Lembang is a nice place to visit because of its breezy and fresh air. This is how Lembang looks like from Gunung Putri (princess hill).

Monday, September 15, 2008


You can find this kind of shop in all mals in Bandung. I never could stop my niece to come there, exploring every inch of its space, for hours!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Factory Outlet

For people from Jakarta or other cities nearby, talking about Bandung is talking about shopping activities. The places where you can find overruns and second on export garments at bargain prices are called factory outlets, or just FO. Don't be surprised if you can find big brands including Hugo Boss, Polo, Adidas, Puma, DKNY, Armani, Hush Puppy, Victoria's Secret, Old Navy, and a lot more, in this place. You can have them with US$ 5 - 10. ReNARITTI Factory Outlet is one of them, located at Jalan Riau.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Bank Central

I tried to take Bank Central's building at Jalan Merdeka from different angle, since yesterday I noticed that police white board persuading people to drive carefully (in Indonesia, traffic accident is ranked as nr 3 killer).

Friday, September 12, 2008

Sky Watch Friday > Sun Set in Cimahi

Just arrived at home, and I was attracted to the orange colour in the sky. It was in Cimahi, and the hot day was gone. Happy SWF.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

The Colonial Braga Street

Braga street is one of the most important streets located in central Bandung, connecting Asia Africa street and Lembong street. It is the place in Bandung where you can see remnants of its colonial past, and what happens to them if maintenance is disregarded. The once-beautiful buildings that line the street are now, with some exceptions, up for a complete overhaul or at least, a thorough renovation. The whole neighborhood displays a tired look of what it once was, and although it still is one of the sites where history is brought back alive, it's not alive and kicking, but more alive but tired. I am, personally, feeling sad watching what happened in Braga street now. In the colonial age, Braga street was the train tracks running from north to south. In this street, in fact, there are several interesting antique shops along the road, as well as traditional craft stores, an exellent shop selling leather and snakeskin products, and sure, you can watch street painters.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Dewi Saraswati

When you visit Rumah Mode (house of fashion), a popular factory outlet located at Jalan Setiabudi, you will notice a beautiful statue of Dewi Saraswati, not far from the entrance.

In Hindu, Saraswati is God manifestation to bring knowledge for humanity. According to Bali & Indonesia on the net, Saraswati is the Goddess of Knowledge, symbolized by a beautiful woman with four hands, riding on a white swan among water lilies to tell humanity that science is like a beautiful woman. Her hands hold a palm leaf; a lontar, which is the source of science or knowledge; a chain (genitri with 108 pieces) symbolising that knowledge is never ending and has an everlasting life cycle; and a musical instrument symbolising that science develops through the growth of culture. The swan symbolises prudence, so that one's knowledge may distinguish between good and evil and the water lilies (Lotus) are symbols of holiness.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Green Way to Subang

It's a picture of beautiful way to Subang regency, 55 km to the north of Bandung. You can see tea plantation at the background. Patricia, I and Aita do a tea-walk once in a month in this area. Walking in the middle of tea trees is really refreshing. Wanna a try?

Monday, September 08, 2008

Feeling Green

This monument of panser is located at Jalan Gatot Subroto, in South Bandung, closed to Bandung Supermall (BSM). This area, Turangga, is a military complex, where you can find the Indonesian Army School (SESKOAD) and sub ordinate for army. Bandung in fact is surrounded by military complex, just say some of them: Turangga, Cimahi, Sulaiman, and Ujung Berung. Feeling secured, feeling green.

Sunday, September 07, 2008

MU Cafe

Indonesia is not famous with her soccer national team. But if you talk about soccer maniacs, you can consider Indonesia as their home! You'll understand it when you hear people talk about England Premier League, La Liga and Serie A. They're very familiar with what happened now with Real Madrid, or of course Manchester United.
If you're one of MU fans, MU Cafe at Parijs van Java is a perfect place for you. It's a great place, cozy, and you can see a lot of MU attributes hanging here and there. Oh yeah, during happy hour between 7 - 9 pm, you'll get a free glass of beer if you buy one.

Saturday, September 06, 2008

Balongan Business Trip 04

Everything was set up! And we planned to go back to Bandung in the afternoon. Checked out, and waited for our minibus which would bring us back to Bandung. What surprised me was the handsome stoned Garuda sculpture standing at the front of the hotel's gate. The hotel's owner really considers Garuda as his guardian angel.

Friday, September 05, 2008

Balongan Business Trip 03 > Sky Watch Friday

We're in business trip to Balongan. The next day, early in the morning, our counterpart from Pertamina picked us up to have meeting in refinery office. Since I knew that we're not allowed to take picture IN refinery, I took my chance to take this picture when we drove passing by the refinery. The process unit at right side the picture is the famous residual catalytic cracking (RCC) unit. And, I took also this picture for SWF! ;-)
This 125 MBSD refinery is not the largest refinery in Indonesia, but it's the most popular one, because of it's environmental friendly products.

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Balongan Business Trip 02

We, I and my college from Department of Chemical Engineering ITB, arrive in Indramayu at 9 pm. Thank God, we got two beautiful bungalows for taking a rest and spend our night. A beautiful creature just attracted me instantly, Garuda! This sculpture is a Balinese style Garuda, the mythical bird from Hinduism mythology, which is also an Indonesia national symbol.

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Balongan Business Trip 01

Yesterday, I went to Balongan, a small city close to Indramayu, about 250 km from Bandung. This city is located at North of West Java. I visited Balongan because of my job. In this small city, there is Pertamina's (Indonesian Oil Company) Oil Refinery Process Unit. My institution, Department of Chemical Engineering ITB, and Pertamina is setting up a project of atmospheric residue hydro-demetallization (ARDHM) performance evaluation.
We had to drive for 5.5 hours, through Sumedang, Jatitujuh, and Jatibarang. This picture shows the situation along the way from Jatibarang to Indramayu.

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

The Taste of Little Tokyo

If you really need a Japanese fancy restaurant, maybe Little Tokyo is a good choice. Located at Parijs van Java, this restaurant has a unique environment and taste. Just come, and try.

Monday, September 01, 2008

September Theme Day: Sister City

Although Bandung has 6 (read: six!) sistercities, but I couldn't find somebody out there who can help me to take a picture of these 6 cities; Cebu - Philippines, Braunchweig - Germany, Fort Worth - USA, Suwon - South Korea, Hamamatsu - Japan, and Bari - Italy. So then, I am presenting this photo of monument dedicated for Braunchweig. Happy Theme Day!

Click here to view thumbnails for all participants

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